What is an XML file? You may have seen it but don’t know what it is exactly. Well,  MiniTool will focus on XML files, including its definition, main features, and opening, etc. To obtain the detailed information, read the post now!

What Is an XML File

XML file is an XML (Extensible Markup Language) file data file that is created by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). XML is a language that can be read and utilized by computer software. It includes a formatted dataset that is planned to be processed by a website, web application, or software program.

XML files are plain text files, which means that they don’t do anything in and of themselves except the transportation, structure, and storage of data. Unlike HTML, XML allows developers to structure data by using custom tags.

The flexibility of XML files makes it is an ideal option for cataloging information about almost all related items.

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The Benefits and Common Uses of XML File

XML files are beneficial to users because of its advantages. The advantages contain 3 aspects.

  • Readability: As XML files utilizes human language with accurate words, they are easy to understand. To be specific, XML tag names define and explain data clearly. Because each tag is arranged to come before its data, the information is neat and organized. More importantly, XML files can be processed easily because the data is exchanged in a direct way with the XML markup language.
  • Compatibility: XML files are portable and compatible with Java. That means that you can access and transport data randomly.
  • Customization: XML files allows you to create your own tags or utilize tags created by yourself. When you are going to use tags from other users, you should ensure that the tags are using the natural language of your domain. You are able to create as many tags in XML as you want.

As learned from the above, XML files are great. Correspondingly, they also have multiple uses across a wide range of web pages and applications. We can conclude its use into 3 main categories.

The first one use of XML files is web publishing. You can create and customize interactive web pages by using XML. After storing the data with XML, you are able to control the control for different users or other devices.

XML can also help you execute web tasks. For instance, it can be used for web searching and automating tasks. By doing so, XML checks the information in a file. Then you can obtain optimum results.

XML is widely used in general applications. Since it offers a streamlined way of accessing information, all types of applications can benefit from it. This direct process permits applications and devices to use, store, transfer, and display data.

Also read: What Is Rich Text Format (RTF) & How to Open It on Windows 10

How to Open XML File

To work with XML files, you need to open them at first. Here comes the question – how to open XML file. Well, you can’t open XML files by double-clicking on them directly. Instead, you need a file editor or web browser.

The required file editor varies on different systems, so you need to choose a supported one. Here are the corresponding file editors on different systems.


File Viewer Plus

Altova XMLSpy

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

SyncRo Soft oXygen XML Editor

Liquid Technologies Liquid XML Studio

Progress Stylus Studio

JAPISoft EditiX

Wattle XMLwriter

Microsoft XML Notepad

XMLBlueprint XML Editor

Adobe Dreamweaver 2020

Any web browser


JAPISoft EditiX

Bare Bones BBEdit

MacroMates TextMate

SyncRo Soft oXygen XML Editor

Adobe Dreamweaver 2020

Any web browser



SyncRo Soft oXygen XML Editor

Any web browser


Alexander Blach Textastic Code Editor


File Viewer for Android

Choose a proper file editor for your device and then open XML files with the steps below.

Step 1: Right-click on the XML file to open.

Step 2: Point to Open with and then pick the correct file editor or web browser from the context menu.

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