This article tells everything about the PlayStation 5 vs. the Xbox Project Scarlett. If you want to know the differences between Xbox Project Scarlett and PlayStation 5, you may check out this post.
Sony’s next PlayStation and Microsoft’s Xbox are expected to be seen around E3 next year, namely, the year of 2020. It is possibly planned for holiday launches. Microsoft gave details about its upcoming console at E3 2019, while Sony revealed some impressive specs to Wired in the interview.
Microsoft names its next-generation Xbox as Project Scarlett, and PlayStation 5 is the next-generation console what we call for Sony. Prices, availability, and features are unknown so far, but we can take a look at the hardware and other known information.
Here is a simple comparison about Xbox Project Scarlett vs. PlayStation 5 in specs, compatibility, games and storage. For users who are hesitant to buy an Xbox Scarlett or Playstation 5, this article could be a big help.
Xbox Project Scarlett vs. PlayStation 5: Specifications
The Scarlett project, powered by the new Zen 2 and Navi AMD processors, uses high-bandwidth GDDR6 memory and reduces load time through next-generation SSDs. Besides, it supports popular performance functions such as ray tracing, 8K and 120fps. Microsoft says it’s four times as powerful as Xbox One X.
In an interview with Wired, Sony said that PlayStation 5 has a third-generation AMD Ryzen chip with eight 7nm Zen 2 cores, supporting 3D audio. Custom Radeon Navi GPU supports ray tracing and 8K resolutions. Solid-state drives are also customized for higher bandwidth compared with consumer PCs.
AMD once again controls the next generation of consoles, as it is now. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One depend on AMD’s Jaguar architecture, while the next PlayStation and Xbox depend on AMD’s Zen2 architecture.
In graphics, Radeon (owned by AMD) is using the Navi architecture to drive the GPUs of the two systems. These are significant leaps in processing power, even when compared with the enhanced half-step console PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, both can display 4K graphics.
Xbox Project Scarlett vs. PlayStation 5:Compatibility
The new PlayStation and Xbox seem to be backward compatible with previous versions, but the degree of compatibility is unclear. We know that the PS4 is not directly backward compatible with PS3, PS2 or PlayStation games (although many of the games on these systems can ultimately be downloaded). We will see if all games in all previous systems can be used with these new consoles, or if compatibility with some games is limited, or compatible only with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Xbox Project Scarlett vs. PlayStation 5:Games
The only confirmed game for either of these systems is Halo: Infinite, which will be launched as a Project Scarlett launch title in holiday 2020. But we can take some well-founded guesses about what we can expect. Forza 8 seems to be a smart way to show off the graphics features of the new Xbox.
Meanwhile, on PlayStation, Death Stranding was launched on PlayStation 4 in November. “Our last part 2” is likely to arrive in February next year. It’s just leaving Gush of Tsushima as Sony’s exclusive heavy batter without a blurred release window. So will it turn to PlayStation 5?
Finally, the biggest third-party game we officially know is probably the next generation exclusive game, the next two Bethesda role-playing games Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6. We’ll also say CyberPunk 2077 is the same, but it does get the next release date in April. It turns out that the current machines are still powerful enough for Keanu Reeves.
Xbox Project Scarlett vs. PlayStation 5:Storage
Hard drives are phasing out as for the two game consoles. Generations ago Nintendo turned to flash, and now the new PlayStation and Xbox want to discard their hard disks. Both systems will have SSDs that load games faster than hard drives; Microsoft says Scarlett’s planned SSDs will be 40 times faster than Xbox One’s drives.
Both Microsoft and Sony are reluctant to put all their eggs in streaming or download-only game baskets. Both systems will have CD-ROMs, so you can still play the discs you buy at the store. Video playback is also very possible, but we will see if the new playback station supports UHD Blu-ray discs with 4K HDR content; the Xbox One S and X can play them, but no PS4 supports this format.
The End
This post has shown you the differences between Xbox Project Scarlett and PlayStation 5 in specifications, compatibility, games and storage. Hope more detailed information about the two new consoles can be revealed soon.
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