Minecraft is one of the most popular games in 2019. Do you know how allocate more RAM to minecraft? If you don't know, you can follow the methods in this post from MiniTool to allocate more RAM to Minecraft.

Since the release of version 2.0.0, Minecraft offers the ability to adjust RAM in the Minecraft Launcher, which makes the process of allocating more RAM to Minecraft become simple. The following will show you how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. Before I show you the detailed steps, please update your Minecraft to the latest version first.

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After that, please follow the steps below.

How to Allocate More RAM to Minecraft

Here are two methods for you if you don’t know how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft.

Method 1. Allocate More RAM in Minecraft Launcher

Step 1. Check the available RAM on your PC

  1. Right click Windows Start menu and choose Settings.
  2. In the setting window, choose System.
  3. Locate to the About section and note down the number of Installed RAM under Device specifications.

check the installed RAM

Step 2. Toggle on the JVM arguments switch

  1. Start the Minecraft Launcher by double-clicking the Minecraft icon on your PC.
  2. Select the Launch Options tab.
  3. Make sure the Advanced settings is turned on.
  4. Select the profile you’d like to edit.
  5. Make sure that the JVM arguments are turned on.

Step 3. Adjust RAM for Minecraft

  1. Then you should see a line of text like -Xmx1G. Change the 1 to the number of gigabytes of RAM that you’d like to allocate to Minecraft.
  1. At last, click the Save button to save the change.

save the change to allocate more RAM to Minecraft

After that, Minecraft will use your allocated amount of RAM for the profile you selected.

Note: It is not recommended to allocate more than two-thirds of your overall RAM to Minecraft, as this may cause performance issue on your computer.
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This article will show you how to fix Minecraft LAN not working with proven fixes. If you don't know how to fix LAN not working Minecraft, check out this post.

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Mehtod 2. Allocate More RAM in a Minecraft Server

This part will show you how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft server.

Step 1. Check the RAM on your PC

  1. Right click Windows Start menu and choose Settings.
  2. In the setting window, choose System.
  3. Locate to the About section and note down the number of Installed RAM under Device specifications.

Step 2. Open Minecraft server directory

This folder contains Minecraft_server.exe file that you launch the Minecraft server with. You can search for “Minecraft_server” on your PC to find its location.

Step 3. Allocate more RAM by creating a new document

1. Create a new text document in the server directory.

2. Paste the following code to the new text document.

java -Xmx####M -Xms####M -exe Minecraft_Server.exe -o true

Note: You need to replace #### with the value in MB you want to allocate (1GB = 1024MB) to Minecraft. For example, if you want to allocate 2GB of RAM, you would enter 2048.

type the code to the new file

3. Click File and select Save As…. Change the file extension from “.txt” to “.bat”. This requires you to enable file extensions on Windows if they are not shown up.

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How to Show File Extensions in Windows 10?

This article shows different ways to show file extension in Windows 10.

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4. The file you create will be the new launcher for your Minecraft server. Run the new file to start Minecraft and it will automatically allocate a specified amount of RAM.


After reading this post, you should know how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. If you need to allocate more RAM to Minecraft, you can follow the steps in this post.

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