Do you know what is Legends Mode in Ghost of Tsushima? If you don’t know it, read this post now. MiniTool would walk you into the Ghost of Tsushima Legend Mode including its basic information and access steps.
What Is Legends Mode in Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima Legend Mode, a part of the game’s free 1.1 update, is available since October 16th, 2020. It is a cooperative mode where gamers can choose from four available classes (Samurial, Hunter, Ronin, and Assassian).
Different from the single-player campaign, Ghost of Tsushima Legends is designed to play multiplayer. It means that you can fight through demonic realms and earn Legendary gear as rewards with your friends.
Simply put, Legend Mode Ghost of Tsushima is an online mode where you and your friends can go on an adventure to unravel stories of legends. Legends can be freely downloaded by the owner of Ghost of Tsushima. It can be be bought as a standalone game for gamers who don’t own Ghost of Tsushima at the price of $19.99 starting September 3,2021.
Further reading:
Apart from Ghost of Tsushima Legend Mode, there are four other modes.
- Quickplay mode: It drops players into either a random Story or Survival mode already in progress.
- Survival mode: It is a standard wave-based progression mode, which allows up to four players to hold down points on a variety of maps against increasingly overwhelming odds.
- Story mode: It is a nine-episode arc that weaves an intriguing narrative and introduces some unique game mechanics. It is made for up two players.
- Challenge mode: It is an end-game three-chapter raid called “The Tale of lyo”, which is recommended for gamers who have embraced the grind and leveled up their Ki to 100. It needs four players because of the difficulty.
How to Access the Legend Mode Ghost of Tsushima
To play Ghost of Tsushima: Legends with friends, you need to access Ghost of Tsushima Legends Mode. How to do that? Here are detailed steps for you.
Step 1: Update to the Patch 1.1
At first, you need to ensure that the Ghost of Tsushima has been updated to the version 1.1. Otherwise, the PS4 console would warn you that an update is available while booting up the game. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the update process.
The update is about 10GB, so you may need to wait for some time for the finish of the process.
Step 2: Download Ghost of Tsushima Legends
After installing the update, navigate to the PlayStation Store and then look for Ghost of Tsushima, or find the Ghost of Tsushima game page and view add ons. Once you find the Ghost of Tsushima: Legends page, click the Download button to get the Legends.
To play Ghost of Tshushima with other gamers, you need to get an Internet connection and a PlayStation Plus subscription. If you play Legends solo, you don’t have to get a PlayStation membership.
Step 3: Access Legend Mode Ghost of Tsushima
Now, you can access Ghost of Tsushima Legends via the following four methods.
- Open Ghost of Tsushima: Legendsfrom the main menu of the game.
- Access Ghost of Tsushima: Legendsfrom the in-game pause menu.
- Accept a Ghost of Tsushima: Legends inivitation from another player.
- Look for a new character called “Gyozen the Storyteller”. He will appear in numberous towns and other locations across the map in the games normal and single player mode. Talk with him when you talk with him, and then you will hop into Ghost of Tsushima: Legends.
What is Legends Mode in Ghost of Tsushima? Well, you can learn that from this post. Based on that, you are able to access the Legend Mode Ghost of Tsushima with the given steps.
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